Why You Will Book Dr. Steve
Story-teller: Steve tells your love story elegantly
Open-Hearted: Love is Love is Love is Love is Love, sometimes love, often LOVE, and can even be LoOOveeEee, but mostly Love.
Intelligence and Intellect: any and all derpiness is reserved for his pets
Creative: He writes! He paints! He's excellent with tools! He can do your hair!
Well-Suited: Is his best color shamrock green? Yes. But the man can pull off anything.
Chill: like a tall mimosa on a balmy summer morning
Non-GMO: Steven is the result of a naturally-occurring hybridization native to the Greater Boston area
Photo credit: Dawn Derbyshire dawn - derbyshire.com
Hello Happy Humans!
I am an ordained, non-denominational Minister and wedding officiant.
I have performed weddings for both straight and LGBT couples in a variety of settings, some with pretty unique themes.
I consider myself progressively alternative in my beliefs and appearance, but can easily tone it down to match the ambiance and feel of the ceremony.
Some couples want me in a tuxedo or suit, while others want a Celtic feel and request that I wear a kilt.
I am of Scottish and Irish heritage and have been called "leprechaun" more times than I can count.
Sorry, I do not have a cool accent.
- Dr. Steven Winsor
Check out this section!
It covers the thrilling topic of
But in cheerful, exciting colors and cute titles so you know Steve is worth it!

Elopement, but Effusive: $160
Standard, but Spectacular: $475
Rehearsal, but Really Good: $100
Travel Fee, but Totally Justified : $1.50 per mile over 50 miles from Zip Code 15204